Sunday, August 28, 2011

Discouraged is the man who never said never,
then heard It whisper his name.
When Trial had shifted to Shadow, 
Sorrow had found a new game.

Beaten is he who refused to give up,
but found he never could win,
for playing against one's own Shadow
is like stilling a bough in the wind.

Hopelessness befalls the tired man
who waited like a turkey for wings.
And when they came in he realized
that Time makes a fool of such things.

Lost and done searching; the sailor is Grim
when the light at the shore is too dim.
Eyes are no use for a blind man,
and hope without light can't begin.

But Hope is not the only thing
that darkness cannot hope to bring.
For lack of light removes one more--

the Shadow can't be evermore.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The heart is a funny thing.  Physically, it beats life; figuratively, it lends itself for love.  The heart is meant to share and yet we protect it.  It is the strongest, most powerful motivator within us and yet the most   f r a g i l e   part of ourselves.

Being an openly loving person, for many years I continually wondered, why?  Why are people so inhibited by the most beautiful and powerful parts of themselves?

Now I know.

And at times like these--alone in my dark house, inhaling the intoxicating scent of a Sweet Jasmine candle, Andrea Boccelli and light summer rain playing in the background--I wish I was still wondering why, rather than feeling why.  Because no matter how strong a heart is, it's something like clay. Once touched, it will never be the same. True, after working at it for a long time, a master sculptor can make it become absolutely anything he wants...but the process is certainly grueling...and I am no master.
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.
--Alfred Lord Tennyson 

How I wish my heart could believe it.