Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Purple People Pleaser

     Yes, that's what I am, a "one-eyed one-horned flying purple people pleaser".  Okay, okay, I really have two eyes, I can't fly, and I'm relatively hornless, but I'm actually wearing purple and I'm definitely a hopeless people-pleaser.  The problem is, I sincerely like helping people, but eventually, helping everyone all the time turns into servilely pleasing them, and then a downfall of your own slavish existence. 

     I'm like the character, Jane, in 27 Dresses -- I just can't say no.  And like Jane, too many people wanting too many things from you is exhausting and tends to cause emotional blowups.  That's where I am today -- Emotional  Explosion Day.  If one more person asks me to do one more thing for them, I will be a volcanic disaster -- just call me Vesuvius. . .Sigh, And yes, the answer is yes; I'll do your favor anyway. . .!!

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