Saturday, February 4, 2012


"You are an ENFP," two different personality tests confirm. (Extravert, iNtuitive, Feeler, Perceiver).  Apparently, this means I am an "inspirer."  Deeply affected by emotions and the people with whom I interact, I am also 'incredibly perceptive.'  According to one 'profile' I am committed, compassionate, selfless, and "quite a charmer."  Who knew?

For whatever reason, I find these self-revealing quizzes unreasonably addicting.  There is something satisfying in 'learning' about my standardized inner passions and prescribed character traits, such as, "You use lots of colorful language and expressions." (Whoa...I do, don't I??)  It's entertaining to ascertain my inability to make decisions or be on time for absolutely anything. (It's a problem). 

Perhaps it's a philosophical endeavor, maybe slightly egotistical...definitely not very useful...nevertheless, I shall continue to entertain these highly sophisticated psychological awareness reports. :)

My results (for my future reference)

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